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Death, Taxes and Christmas

Chalkboard Wishes Peace Bags

death-and-taxesNearly all my adult live I have heard the old saying that there were only two things certain in life…death and taxes. I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who actually originated that quote, so maybe that is why he is pictured on the $100 bill. But growing up in Southern Alabama and Middle Tennessee I came to believe that there was another certainty…Christmas.

Christmas has come in the hardest of times and in the best of times, but it has always come. I watched the 1954 movie “White Christmas” with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye last night. The opening scene was actually set in 1944 during WWII and Christmas had come then as well. We have all seen it. Perhaps many of you have been or are involved with sending Christmas to people in need of it all over the world.

There Will Always Be Christmas?

Nashville Wraps has survived several economic downturns since our beginnings in 1976, including interest at nearly 20%, the stock market’s black Monday, 9/11, and the recession. I have said many times that the gift packaging business is somewhat recession proof; people may buy less expensive gifts when times are hard but they still wrap those gifts…and there will always be Christmas.

So we all know it has come in the past, but I wonder if Christmas is still as certain as death and taxes? I think if we are honest we probably have already asked ourselves that question.  Of course there are the telltale signs like using the phrase “Happy Holidays” rather than “Merry Christmas”, not as many Christmas trees in the town squares (or in our own yards), and even many school systems are doing “winter” celebrations rather than “Christmas” ones, just to name a few of the obvious.

The True Spirit of Christmas 

The question is not only relative to our times, but was asked in many former times as well. One which comes to mind is in Charles Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol” which was first published in 1843. The book was written when the British were examining and exploring Christmas traditions from the past. Remember the 3 ghosts that visited Ebenezer Scrooge, especially the ghost of Christmas yet to come? What would we do if visited by that ghost? How would our lives and the way we celebrate Christmas be different?

I think that the ghost of Christmas to come is visiting us right now and showing us by what we are seeing and experiencing all around us, from intolerance (of Christmas celebrations, principles and beliefs) to the radical and horrific actions of hate and terror increasing around the free world and now in our own country and neighborhoods.

While it is essential to face the dangers that attack our very way of life with courage and swiftness, I believe we understand clearly what fate will await our future Christmases should we not learn from old Ebenezer Scrooge – to open our hearts up in spite of the times, the dangers and the uncertainties, and to give more Christmas spirit to others while receiving it for ourselves in the process.

Merry Christmas!

Robby Meadows, CEO

Luke 2:14 ~ “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

Nashville Wraps

Nashville Wraps is the leader in eco-friendly gift & gourmet packaging. Our focus is beautiful packaging, competitive prices, fast shipping and taking care of our customers. We listen, and we care about your success. Most of all, we want to make your business look good.

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