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Coming full circle to Generation-G

Robby's family with a puppyMy mother always taught me it was better to give than to receive. As a child I went with her on countless visits to elderly shut-ins. It made their day. While we were not wealthy back then, I was a witness to a richness which goes beyond any amount of money. Many of you reading this had similar experiences I hope, and if you didn’t something tells me that you are about to.

We are entering into a new era; some call it “Generation-G” for Generosity. Consumers are fed up with the other “G” word (Greed). We have all seen way too much of its ugly face recently in the fraud and corruption schemes being revealed in the national news.

I am a professional observer; I observe trends for Nashville Wraps as a part of my job. What I see happening in so many areas is a phenomena I call coming “Full Circle”. We as a people, a community, and a nation started out good in nearly every aspect. Then we went through a period of many years where we exported our jobs, became dollar minded, saw our leadership weakened and now are seeing the results of all that, and we do not like what we see.

Coming full circle brings us back to creating our own destinies, seeking the higher ethical ground, helping our neighbors, emphasizing character rather than worth and giving our customers good and honest value. We are done with uncaring companies, shoddy goods, and everything made anyplace but here. We are more interested in caring, sharing, giving, helping, and doing more with less. As a whole this is going to benefit the gift business, but consumers do not want or need any more ceramic whatnots, so pick wisely.

Our lives and aspirations are changing as well as our children’s. My grandfather, his father and on before him were farmers. Earlier this year I submitted an agricultural plan to the state of Tennessee and received all the documentation to be…yes, a “farmer”. My son wants to farm as well. We named our farm “Full Circle”…what else could it have been?

I see us coming full circle in numerous places in all type of business. We see it at Nashville Wraps all the time. My parents recycled during World War II to conserve precious materials needed for defense. Today Nashville Wraps’ employees recycle aluminum, steel, plastic and paper every day. We have reduced our garbage by 416 cubic yards in 2008 and recycled nearly 1500 cubic yards of cardboard. It has a positive cash flow, but moreover we are proud of what we are doing. It is like giving something back. It makes us think differently and little efforts like this are fueling our Generation-G.

I’m going to take more time this year to talk about Generation-G and coming full circle. It is affecting your business, your customers and your families. It will continue to do so. In President Obama’s recent address to congress he said that “Our best days are ahead of us”. I have heard it from John McCain and others recently as well. Typically I would ignore those clichés, but now they seem to have more substance and in fact I believe it too because I see us coming full circle.

Robby Meadows, Nashville Wraps

PS: Nashville Wraps designers see the same things and we are bringing many wonderful designs for Christmas 2009 and beyond that represent the realization of goodness, warmth, sharing and family. I will be publishing more on this exciting change in American life and coming full circle in many more areas.

Nashville Wraps

Nashville Wraps is the leader in eco-friendly gift & gourmet packaging. Our focus is beautiful packaging, competitive prices, fast shipping and taking care of our customers. We listen, and we care about your success. Most of all, we want to make your business look good.

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